
A playground for culinary experiments.


CocktailsOnur Ozer


The best cocktail in the history of cocktails, ever.

With only three ingredients, Martini is the quintessential test for any bartender’s skills: It’s easy to learn yet difficult to master. The discerning gentleman always starts the evening or lunch with a martini or three, since no cocktail comes even close to perfection in the aperatif department (well, except maybe the negroni). Without further ado, here’s how you make a martini:


  • 2 oz. Gin
  • 0.7 oz. Dry Vermouth
  • 1 green olive


  1. Stir gin and vermouth in a mixing glass over ice until cold, for about 30 seconds
  2. Pour into a chilled martini glass and garnish with a single olive

The martini is a purely American drink, and therefore people should be exercise freedom of speech when requesting one.

Gary Regan proclaims as such in his excellent book The Joy of Mixology. While I have strong opinions about how a martini should be made, I can’t argue with such sturdy American logic. However, I have some optinions anyway:

Gin vs. Vodka

Gin, preferably London Dry. Tanqueray Ten, Sipsmith, Plymouth are all great options. Craft gins tend to produce “experimental” martinis which can range from amazing to undrinkable so experiment with caution. Always use room temperature spirit when mixing, as chilled or frozen spirits lead to inadequate dilution which tilts the balance towards unpalatable. Vodka is only acceptable if you want a really Dirty Martini.


In my many years of “research”, I’ve concluded that dry French vermouths are better suited for Martinis than herbaceous Italian vermouths. Dolin Dry should be the first choice, but in its absence, Noilly Prat would be perfectly acceptable too.

Vermouth to Gin Ratio

1:3. Any less and you’re drinking chilled gin, and any more and it becomes too wet. This is the golden ratio.

Shaken vs. Stirred

Ah, the age old dilemma. Unlike Mr. Bond, I prefer stirred, simply because it produces a clearer drink. Unless it’s a dirty martini, in which case shaking is the way to go. Either way, finding the right balance between temperature and dilution is key. You’re aiming for a properly chilled drink that’s easy to drink, yet not watered down.


A martini glass or a coupé, properly chilled. A room temperature glass is a cardinal sin.

Olive vs. Lemon Peel

One is elegant, two is proper and three is a meal

Not sure who said it but I concur. Castelvetrano olives are usually a great choice. Try to stay away from stuffed olives unless you enjoy a slimy layer on top.

There you go, everything you need to make the perfect martini at home.